Web Contents: Table of
- Web Contents
- Peer Review/Comments (as of May 2012: 248,016 Hits)
- Biography
- Contact
- A Game on the Meanings of Reality
- The Matter-Being Project: TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT!
- Book Table of Contents
- 3 Stages of Spirit—Soul—Body Health & Acu-Brain
- WebHealth
- What People Have to Say….
- Cold Fusion in the Concept of Bio-Quantum
- Alchemist ORMUS Elements and Soul Spirit Genetics
- God’s Vacuum Computer and Creation vs Evolution
- Repeatability in Quantum Technology
- Deterministic Quantum
- Pulse Reading-Psyche and Experimenting with Quantum
- Creation: Universe’s Many Ten-Logic Potentials
- Faraday Cage for Monopoles and/or Information Potential
- Prophecies-Predictions by a Quantum Observer
- QA: What is Logic-Information
- QA: What is Information-Energy
- QA: What is a Reference Frame
- QA: What is a Number
- QA: 11 Unanswered Questions in Physics
- QA: What are AcuPoint-Placebo-Radionics-etc
- QA: What is Heisenberg Uncertainty
- QA: What is Vacuum Computer’s Language
- QA: what is graviton—free-will—photon
- QA: Why Universe Accelerating
- QA: What is Vacuum Computer’s Architecture
- QA: What are Monopoles
- QA: What are Information Crossover & Space
- QA: What is the Universe’s Fate
- QA: What is Human’s Place in the Universe
- QA: What is consciousness & Quantum Tunneling
- QA: What is Spiritual Chemistry
- QA: What is the Gene
- QA: What is Wing Pon’s Being Experience
- QA: What is Spirit-Causal Physiology
- QA: What are the Paths of Kundalini
- QA: What are the Kundalini Fire Symptoms
- QA: What is the Path toward Enlightenment
- QA: How Does the Acu-Brain Work
- QA: What is THE Ten-Logic-Potential
- QA: What Cause Health Problem (& Weight Control)
- QA: What is Quantum Meditation (Paradigm Summary)
- QA: What is Quantum Logic (Paradigm Summary)
- QA: What is Quantum Computer (Paradigm Summary)
- QA: What is Entanglement
- 6 Days of Creation-I (Paradigm Application)
- 6 Days of Creation-2 (Paradigm Application)
- QA: How God Created the Logic of Man (Genesis)
- QA: What are Trees of Life & Knowledge
- QA: What is Quantum Alchemy/ORMUS
- QA: What is Quantum Alchemy-ORMUS Health
- QA: What is the Logic of Light
- QA: What is Gnomonic Expansion-Contraction-Spiral
- Physical Constants Generated by φ (Phi)
- QA: How Light Constant derives other Physical Constants
- QA: Why the Website and Purpose
- Wing Pon’s Writings and Videos
- A Review about the Paradigm
- QA: What is the Participatory Universe Hypothesis
- QA: What is Base-9 Arithmetic (Spirit-Destiny of Number
- QA: What is Quantum—Metaphysics (Soul-Personality of
- QA: What is the Formula for Information
- QA: What is the Formula for Being-Matter Interactions
- QA: What is Bio-Quantum Logic Convergence
- QA: What is Bio-Quantum Logic Convergence-2
- Conclusion: Participates in Continuous Creation
- Comments on a Science of Holons
- On Creation & Co-Creation
- On Force and Motion
- On Sizes and Dimensions
- On Time and Time Travel
- On Good and Evil
- On Reincarnation
- On Positive Psychology & Holon Physiology
- On Anomalies in Scientific Experiments
- On Love
- On Death & Karma
- On Positive Living, Destiny, & Superstition
- Ascension: The Path of i
- A Story on the Non-Local World
- A Story on the Spirit World-1
- A Story on the Spirit World-2
- On Stephen Hawking’s God
- Glossary: Contents of Holons (2004)
- Glossary A-D (2004)
- Glossary E-G (2004)
- Glossary H-K (2004
- Glossary L-R (2004)
- Glossary S-Strong Force (2004)
- Glossary: Subtle – Time (2004)
- Glossary: Torsion – Truth (2004)
- Glossary: U – 999 (2004)
- A Summary of Vol 2-6 Contents (2004)
- Formula for Bio-Quantum Technology
- On Positive Living-HOW TO
- Numbers 1 to 5 (Written 1999)
- Numbers 6 to 9 (Written 1999)
- Postive Living toward Ascension
- Positive Living-Your NOW State with GOD
- Holon Physiology-I
- Holon Physiology-II
- Holon Physiology-III
- Holon Physiology-IV
- Holon Physiology V
- Holon Physiology-VI
- Holon Physiology VI: Junk DNA-DNA Logic
- Holon Physiology-VII
- Participatory Universe: Line Logic & Geometry φ
- Vaccum Computer Self-Program Line Logic
- Holon of Time-Space
- Geons–Holes–Foam –>Matter-Being
- Nuclei–Encoded Line-Logic
- Co-Creation Holons: Past-Present
- Pyramid Holons
- Christ Holon: Conception-Resurrection-Ascention
- The Holon of the Cygnon Mystery I
- The Holon of the Cygnon Mystery II: The Second Coming
- Holon Formation of Physical Atoms
- Analogies & Mappings: God/Halo/Gulons/Graviton
- Holon Graviton–God–Gravitino
- Love Technology Holon
- The Causation Holon
- The Creation Holon
- Channeling-Prophecies with 靈-魂-魄— 身-心-靈—精-氣-神
- Channeling Prophecies II
- Being–Becoming–Finality Holon
- Clark Viehweg–A View From the Right
- Physiology of 靈-魂-魄—身-心-靈—精-氣-神
- Physiology II–of 靈-魂-魄—身-心-靈—精-氣-神
- Physiology III of 靈-魂-魄—身-心-靈—精-氣-神
- On Penrose’s Concept of Soul & God’s Computer
- Adam & Eve to Quantum Civilization Jump
- Surviving the Civilization Quantum Jump
- Uncertainty-The Logic Myia Holon
- God-Spirit-Nature: The Holon Universe
- Mappings of Strings & Line Dimensions
- Branes—Cosmology—Multiverse
- Faraday Cage
- Alchemy: Organized Summary of the Website
- The Paradigm of Love
- Faraday Cage—Information-Energy—Love
- Earth’s Faraday Cage of Self-Love
- Participatory Universe Revisit & Paradigm Update
- Clarify Ch’I Power/Free Energy Connected to Observer’s Universe
- @ Updated Free Energy—Acu-Point Formulas
- @The Cause of Blood Pressure–Heart Attack–Sroke
- Knowing GOD
- @ Matter-Being Cosmology
- A Simulated Universe: Recently Proposed by Physicists
- Simulation Logic in Ternary Computer
- Simulation of Elementary Particles
- @ Through the Wormhole
- A [Spirit-Mind] 靈—靈 [Soul-Mind]—神 [Being in Matter] Holon Universe
- Being in Matter
- @ Formula for Base 10/9 – Pre/Post Octagon – Being/Matter Constants
- Paradigm God Summary
- Bibliography A-F
- Bibliography G-L
- Bibliography M-Z
- 1-The Human Path of i
- 2-The Power of Now
- 3-Completing TOE in Physics (1)
- 4-Completing TOE in Physics (2)
- 6-I Ching Logic in Chinese
- 7-5 Element Logic: Worldwide
- 8-Logic in Health (1)
- 9-Logic in Health (2)
- 10-Collapse of NOW (1)
- 11-Collapse of NOW (2)
- 12-Collapse of NOW (3)
- 14 Collapse of NOW onto Biophoton-Free Will-Faraday Cage
- Monopole–Zero Point–Dipole on Health
- Formula 27
- The Dynamics of Formula-27
- Formula-27: Pre-Quantum / Quantum Mapping
- Formula-27: Quarks–Leptons–Force Particles
- Formula-27: Resolving Singularity in Quantum Relativity
- Formula-27 Holon i–Mirror–NOW
- Formula-27 on Space
- Formula-27 On Super-Symmetry
- NDE: Application of Formula-27
- Ascended: Application of Formula-27
- 5 Great Physics Problems: Formula-27 Solution
- Formula-27’s Definition of Information
- Formula-27 Looks at Future Physics
- Postulates and Usefulness of Formula-27
- Cosmology–Ascension: formula-27