QA: What is Heisenberg Uncertainty
As shown in the diagram below. the Heisenberg Uncertainty and Wave-Particle duality of a Quantum defined as [Psi x Psi*] are directly connected. Both quantum wave-functions Psi and Psi* contain the imaginary i or the teleportation operator according to the Mind-Being Paradigm.
See other postings and the Book for details on the Mind-Being concept of wave-particle duality for the quantum wave functions, especially the posting on What is an Acu-Point, …
Important steps on the way to understanding the uncertainty principle are wave-particle duality and the DeBroglie hypothesis. As you proceed downward in size to atomic dimensions, it is no longer valid to consider a particle like a hard sphere, because the smaller the dimension, the more wave-like it becomes. It no longer makes sense to say that you have precisely determined both the position and momentum of such a particle. When you say that the electron acts as a wave, then the wave is the quantum mechanical wavefunction and it is therefore related to the probability of finding the electron at any point in space.
Therefore, the mystery in understanding the Heisenberg Uncertainty lies in the wave-particle concept of [Psi x Psi*], or the crossover at the junction that connects local discontinuity on energy-mass and its connection to non-local information-energy. This is the connection between local discontinuity in space-time (the Particle) and the non-local spaceless-timeless information vacuum (the Soul).
In short, the mystery lies in the connection between body-brain and soul, which is defined by following the Virtual Holon for the quantum:
Psi —– t —– Psi*
Here t is the life-time of the quantum, namely the time of Now for the quantum. Remember, it is at Now that the energy-mass and information energy connects.
This concept of Now also gives a new look at the meaning of the Planck’s constant h
E = h f —-> h = E / f
Within the Matter-Being Paradigm, f is the resonance frequency that produces the collapse of quantum. Remember, this is the resonance between inaudible (in Base-9) and the audible (in Base-10) sound. And E is the information-mass resonance energy.
In human Soul-Brain –> Mind connection, the inaudible frequency comes from the heart, while the audible frequency is generated by the brain. Remember, the heart-brain connection lies in the acu-point network referred to as the heart constrictor. This resonance state is a state of Co-creation or Creation. Any other state is a state of uncertainty formed by the Brain Operator and the Heart Operator.
Heisenberg Uncertainty in the Presence of String Theory
Relativity and quantum theory are inconsonant up to the present day, despite great efforts in creating a unified theory capable of accommodating both views. After having published his papers on Relativity, Einstein dedicated the rest of his life to working on such a unified field theory, yet without success. The physicists who followed his lead developed a new model called string theory during the 1970s and 1980s. String theory was successful to some extent in providing a mathematical model that integrates the strong and the weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravitation. In spite of this, it cannot yet be called a breakthrough, because (1) the theory has not been corroborated thoroughly by observational evidence; and (2) there are not one, but five competing string theories. The latter point has recently been addressed by M-theory, a theory that unites existing string theories in 11 dimensions.
A symbolic analogy between a string and a line and between the encoding logic for a vacuum computer and the M-theory unites the existing string theories in 11 dimensions.
Open String —-> Yin Line
Close String —-> Yang Line
Five Competing Strings —-> Five Element Models
11-String Dimensions —-> 11 Computer Logic Dimensions
Finally, A dimensional mapping between the I-Ching (binary logic) / Tai Hsuan Ching (ternary logic —> adding the neutral line to Yin and Yang lines) and the physics of strings / M-theory in Clifford Algebra is proposed by Tony Smith some years ago in the following two websites.
0 Tao, Simplex Physics
1 bit
2 superposition qbit
4 spacetime
16 fermions Ilm-al-Raml
256 Cl(8) IFA
65,536 Torah Genes
2^32 ~ 4 x 10^9 Genome Base Pairs
2^64 ~ 16 x 10^18 Brain Electrons Planck
2^128 ~ 256 x 10^36 Brain GraviPhotons Uncertainty
2^256 ~ 65,536 x 10^72 Particles in Universe
This is an interesting set of similarities between left-brain logic (String / M-Theory) and right brain logic (I-Ching / Tai Hsuan Ching). Yet, as argued elsewhere, adding the logic component to the wave and particle components, modeled by the vacuum computer with I-Ching logic, completes the wave-particle duality of the quantum and the Standard Model of the Elementary Particles (see other posting).
Notice, forces do not enter into a discussion at the junction point between local discontinuity in energy-mass and the non-local information-energy vacuum. The interactions at this junction are the Holon of
rather than forces, and the conservation is not in forces, but in
governed by the Logic Potentials, modeled as computer logic.
Before concluding this posting, I did a Google search on the question: Is the Universe a Computer. I found that growing evidence in accepting this Information Paradigm than that of Energy-Mass Paradigm in describing this Universe. The answer to the above question is a positive yes, as described in the following two quotations.
A Cybernetic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Abstract This paper surveys evidence and arguments for the proposition that the universe as we know it is not a physical, material world but a computer-generated simulation — a kind of virtual reality. The evidence is drawn from the observations of natural phenomena in the realm of quantum mechanics. The arguments are drawn from philosophy and from the results of experiments. While the experiments discussed are not conclusive in this regard, they are found to be consistent with a computer model of the universe. Six categories of quantum puzzles are examined: quantum waves, the measurement effect (including the uncertainty principle), the equivalence of quantum units, discontinuity, non-locality, and the overall relationship of natural phenomena to the mathematical formalism. Many of the phenomena observed in the laboratory are puzzling because they are difficult to conceptualize as physical phenomena, yet they can be modeled exactly by mathematical manipulations. When we analogize to the operations of a digital computer, these same phenomena can be understood as logical and, in some cases, necessary features of computer programming designed to produce a virtual reality simulation for the benefit of the user.
In physics and cosmology, digital physics is a collection of theoretical perspectives that start by assuming that the universe is, at heart, describable by information, and is therefore computable. Given such assumptions, the universe can be conceived as either the output of some computer program or as being some sort of vast digital computation device (or, at least, mathematically isomorphic to such a device).
Digital physics is grounded in one or more of the following hypotheses, listed in order of increasing boldness. The universe, or reality, is:
- Essentially informational (although not every informational ontology need be digital);
- Essentially digital;
- Itself a colossal computer;
- The output of a simulated reality exercise.
However, to my surprise, there is no indication on understanding information from the perspective of consciousness, cultural values, and meanings. Information in today’s view has to do with mechanical information, reference frames have to do with mechanical push-pulls, and so on. The view that the Universe is a colossal computer has to do with that part of the Universe that involves data processing, model generations via data fitting and pattern recognitions. This is in fact a small part of the Universe.
In short, we are in a living Universe not a Universe of zeros and one’s. We live in a Universe that has feelings. We live in a universe that the observer-observed is local—non-local interconnected—entangled in each other and everything else. It is this conscious Universe that I attempt to model with the self-programmable vacuum computer. Thus, concludes my statements with this posting.
However, to complete a first draft of this vacuum computer model, I shall attempt in my next posting to propose the vacuum computer’s living language (QA: What is Vacuum Computer’s Language).