What People have to say…
This (Holon Method) is truly an insight that is without match. As I have studied history and as I even understand scientific breakthrough, this is something that is in the tradition of Aristotle, Galileo and Einstein. Wing Pon’s concept, as we look back in history, will be seen as the high water mark.
Wing Pon developed an insight into how we can achieve our highest potentials using scientific technology. This is a radical departure from any paradigm of human reality and the achievement of our potentials that has never before been promoted in human history.
-Romeo Di Benedetto, Professor of Sociology, El Paso Community College Host of Television Program, The Emerging Renaissance-An Odyssey of the Spirit
At present, the world is filled with chaos (bombings, violence, murders, suicides, etc.). There is a tremendous need to fill the spiritual void and help to regain a sense of order and balance in our contemporary society. Anger, hostility and destruction need to be tempered through the process of instilling hope, faith, reason and purpose.
This can be accomplished with your belief system (The Holon System). Your belief system will give individuals a foundation with specifics to believe in, and as a result, help to diminish the negative forces prevalent in today’s society.
-Brooke Halpin, Literary Agent
The second aspect of my proposal is a new technology developed by Wing Y. Pon. … Preliminary tests of Pon’s technology are very encouraging. …He has also demonstrated his technology in one of my classes. He gave a reading to one student in the class who has serious and complex body-mind problems that could not be diagnosed by numerous visits to several medical professionals. Pon’s system gave a precise (via computer) reading of her conditions that the student verified with amazement and gratitude.
The implication of this theory and technology is vast. This is the first time that Eastern and Western paradigms have been unified, at least in theory, and the potential applications of this unification in the field of health are immense. Pon has agreed to allow me to use his system for my work (research under an approved 1995-1996 sabbatical).
-George Araki, Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University
Dear Mr. Pon:
I have reviewed the three papers you provided regarding your remarkable studies and findings. The contents are both provocative and stimulating. If proven correct, your theories have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of matter and change the direction of future science, including medicine, and energy production technology. The possibility of either is sufficient to encourage us to explore with you the next step…
-Signed: Dr. Michael C.H. McKubre, Director, Energy Research Center
The data you gave me made me think a lot about my process and my health and I believe it was very helpful. I didn’t write down the recommendations and would appreciate knowing what herbs and practices were recommended (by the computer). I think it was pretty accurate, …if you could create a read-out form, simplified, with the commentaries and recommendations, I think this would be a real asset for people. …I am still interested in collaboration on a project if you would be willing to volunteer your time (as I would be doing too).
-Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D. MFCC, Author of “Energies of Transformation: A Guide to the Kundalini Process”
I felt like you re-introduced me to myself and as though, (this is the only way I can explain it), talking with you, (through your computer), was like talking to someone I’d known for thousands of years. I deeply appreciate it.
-Jaime A. Lopez, Student, San Francisco State University
“Three years ago I awoke with a horrible ringing in my ears. It didn’t go away. Soon the ringing was accompanied with debilitating migraine headaches. Western medicine could do nothing for my tinnitus. My wife encouraged me to see Wing Pon who graciously accepted me in his program. After a year with Wing my tinnitus is greatly diminished, my general health improved, my migraines have disappeared and my quality of life enhanced. Thanks Wing.”
-Loyd Webb
“I want to thank you for the Mind-Soul-Spirit Evaluation. I like being able to have control over my own health issues. My biggest problem is a leaky bladder, rather common and annoying for women over 60. I have been doing Kagel exercises for 30 years to strengthen the sphincter muscle, but there were nights that I had to get up as many as 10 times, very disruptive for my sleep. Since I have been having readings and taking the homeopathics, herbs and doing the acupressure and exercises I have not had any accidents and I’m able to sleep five to six hours at a time. I feel very fortunate indeed to have been able to participate in the program.”
-Sally Webb
“There is no cure for carpal tunnel syndrome. All I can do for you is to cut you open. Even with surgery, there is no guarantee that you will be pain free forever.” This is what I was told by a doctor more than 20 years ago. Thereafter, I told myself, “Well, if this is all that can be done, I would rather tolerate the pain than opt for surgery.” Living with the pain was not easy. There were days where the pain that ran from both of my hands up to my shoulders was so excruciating that I could not even grasp the steering wheel of my car to drive to work. I could not do anything repetitive, such as typing on a keyboard for any length of time. I no longer could hold a full time position. My life had completely changed for the worst. One day, however, I was introduced to the Holon Method by Wing Pon. Since that time, I no longer experience ANY pain while performing ANY repetitive tasks. I can type and even knit for hours without the slightest hint of pain. I do not take any medication, inject steroids, or practice any other methods. My drastic recovery is due entirely to the Holon Method.
-Anna Pon
“We both have improved our general physical and mental conditions with he use of the Cell Salts as advised by your computer per given. …Kathy and I are finding ourselves cleaning using the Cell Salts. Next we start the Acu-pressure points. I am looking forward to the idea of creating a Network with these ideas.”
-Dr. & Mrs. Norton Fishman (M.D. Private Practice)
“Diagnosed in May 1995: Scleroderma-CREST Syndrome, Kaiser Hospital by Dr. Peter Hendler, Fremont, Ca. Symptoms: exhaustion, ulcerations on fingers, calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, inflammations and infections, thickening of skin, tightness around mouth, reflux, difficulty breathing, constipation, anxiety attacks, inability to concentrate and a general lack of energy. Medications: Antibiotics as symptoms appear, lbuprofen (Motrin) for pain, Prevacid for reflux (Prescribed by Dr Richard Lee, Palo Alto Medical Clinic, Fremont, CA)…
My Raynaud’s is controlled and not bothersome anymore. The tightness around my mouth is gone. The skin is softer and normal. My inflammations are gone. I have no more pain. My energy level is high. I am able to work 10 hours and more. …I am going though levels of my treatment: Level 1 for communication, Level 2 constitution, Level 3 is detoxification to help clear-up my skin…
Wing Pon is working internally to clear my body of the toxins that affect the external condition of my skin. My medical doctors have failed to alleviate my symptoms. They have offered little or nothing at all to treat the disease. Research is going on with the Scleroderma Foundation. It would be wonderful if Wing Pon’s program were incorporated with alternative medicine to help thousands of patients suffering from this dreadful disease… Wing Pon has given me back my life. I am forever indebted to him and would like to see his program utilized to treat more people who have lost faith in conventional medicine.”
-Cynthia M. Ney, June 25, 1998
“My son Matthew was just 3 years old when he came down with severe pneumonia. After Matt recovered from pneumonia he suddenly began to experience hay fever attacks that caused severe headaches and in many cases vomiting. These episodes continued and started to grow in frequency over the next 4 years…The diagnosis (with the computer) was simple and yet very true for in the months to follow we saw Mathew’s body come back to life. To see Mathew play outside today is nothing short of a miracle. He is now active in baseball and basketball. His headaches to date are few and far between and when they do come the intensity of the headache is mild to moderate. …Needless to say we are astonished with Mr. Pon’s work and we believe his discoveries about the human body will prove vital in the medical field. Mr. Pon gave my son back a normal childhood for which I will always be grateful.”
-David Schermerhorn, father to Matthew
“Thank you for your mind-body-soul reading… I showed the list of physical symptoms you have come up with (by way of the computer) to my doctor, and he was amazed. It validated our treatment plan. Your integrated system is brilliant and inspired.”
-Marge King
After taking twenty-four measurements I was asked for my full name at birth and birth date including the exact hour. After entering this into his compute Wing pushed one of the keys and the screen began filling with numbers.
…Breaking my life down into five-year blocks he described my entire physical history. …Following this he was able to tell me about my relationships, my losses, financial troubles, business failures and successes as well as my general family background. He then went on to tell me my purpose in life and showed how the experiences I’d had were preparing me for what was to come. After catching up with the present and describing medical problems that I had and of which I wasn’t presently aware he went on to tell me what to expect in the next five, ten, fifteen and twenty years. Subsequently I discovered that his description (through the computer) of my present medical situation was one hundred percent accurate and as this reading was over five years ago I can also tell you that his predictions for the next five years were also right on.
The remainder of his readings concerning my guardian angels and specific information about my soul’s life and spirit are not as easily verifiable but given the accuracy of everything else one wonders. About one thing however, there was no doubt. From this point forward I would have no secrets from this man. I was naturally very curious how so much information could be obtained by taking these few measurements so I began asking questions
-Clark Viehweg, Engineer-Scientist