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A Simulated Universe: Recently Proposed by Physicists

A Simulated Universe, Recently Notice by Physicists

Our Universe is Simulated by the Observer Holon, defined as [Spirit-Mind]--—[Soul-Mind]--—[Mind in Matter]--. This concept was recently, Dec 2012, proposed by  mainstream physicists. The Simulated Universe based on the sum of each Observer—Observed—Reference Frame is formulated below.


Each simulation from each observer-observed is a spaceless-timeless encoded set of logic “routine” that can be modified at the will of the observer via His—Her—Its Spirit-Mind outside of any space-time constraints. With the Final Set of simulation, if one gets there, is for evolution to match involution. This final simulated state is the state of ascension for the Observer.

Therefore, the best method for describing and understanding the interactions within these Observer-Observed computer simulations is through local—non-local flow chart formulas. Mainstream physicist finally, especially in the last few weeks, catching on to this idea of spaceless-timeless information and the introduction of a computer simulated universe. See Google page below.

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1. Simulated reality – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The problem now is that there is no evidence that can conceivably be produced to show that the universe is not any kind of computer, making the simulation

Types of simulationArgumentsSee alsoBibliography

2. Alert: You May Be Living in a Simulated Universe | Beyond Science …

www.theepochtimes.com › ScienceBeyond Science

Dec 6, 2012 – We are always limited by the power of computing, but as computers get bigger and faster, so does the detail within our synthetic universes.

3. Do we live in a simulated universe? UW profs may be able to find …


Dec 13, 2012 – The newest mystery challenging philosophers and scientists is not how big the universe is or if ours is the only one, but: Is it a simulation

4. News for Simulated universe

Article from New Scientist

Are We Living in a Simulated Universe?

By Justin Mullins|Posted Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012, at 8:00 AM ET

It’s a testable question.

  1. 1. Probing The Matrix: Is our universe simulated, and if so… by who?

ExtremeTech‎ – by John Hewitt‎ – 5 days ago

  1. 2. Why I Hope the Universe Really Is a Giant Computer Simulation

Huffington Post UK (blog)‎ – 3 days ago

  1. 2. Scientists Probe Possibility That We Are Living In A Computer …


Dec 11, 2012 – Scientists from the University of Washington are exploring the possibility that our world, and the vast universe, is merely a simulation made by …

  1. 3. Are You Living in a Simulation?


They may then run their own ancestor-simulations on powerful computers they build in their simulated universe. Such computers would be “virtual machines”, …

  1. 4. The Simulated Universe | Issue 75 | Philosophy Now


Brent Silby asks, is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?

  1. 5. Whoa: Physicists testing to see if universe is a computer simulation


by Eric Pfeiffer – in 31 Google+ circles – More by Eric Pfeiffer

Dec 13, 2012 – From the blog The Sideshow: Will you take the red pill or the blue pill? Some physicists and university researchers say it’s possible to test the …

  1. 6. Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation


Dec 12, 2012 – Physicists have devised a new experiment to test if the universe is a computer. A philosophical thought experiment has long held that it is more …

  1. 7. NeuroLogica Blog » Are We Living in a Simulated Universe?


Nov 29, 2012 – In short, we don’t know. But let’s explore the problem a bit deeper. What is meant by a ‘simulated universe‘ is that our universe, the one that we …