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Positive Living-Your NOW State with GOD

UNDERSTANDING GOD WITHIN THE KNOWLEDGE OF NOW. This posting continues, summarize, and completes the posting, Positive Living Toward Ascension by defining YOU at your NOW state toward ascension. Lets begin with God’s Signature in Numbers.


Infinite Logic Personalities in numbers 1 to 9 in Base 9 —> Infinite Creation of Spirits

  • 1, 10 –> 1, 19 –> 1, 28 –> 1, 37 –> 1, 46 –; 1, 55 –> 1 … Infinite Series
  • 2, 11 –> 2, 20 –> 2, 29 –> 2, 38 –> 2, 47 –> 2, 56 –> 2 … Infinite Series
  • 3, 12 –> 3, 21 –> 3, 30 –> 3, 39 –> 3, 48 –> 3, 57 –> 3 … Infinite Series
  • 4, 13 –> 4, 22 –> 4, 31 –> 4, 40 –> 4, 49 –> 4, 58 –> 4 … Infinite Series
  • 5, 14 –> 5, 23 –> 5, 32 –> 5, 41 –> 5, 50 –> 5, 59 –> 5 … Infinite Series
  • 6, 15 –> 6, 24 –> 6, 33 –> 6, 42 –> 6, 51 –> 6, 60 –> 6 … Infinite Series
  • 7, 16 –> 7, 25 –> 7, 34 –> 7, 43 –> 7, 52 –> 7, 61 –> 7, 70 –> 7 … Infinite Series
  • 8, 17 –> 8, 26 –> 8, 35 –> 8, 44 –> 8, 53 –> 8, 62 –> 8, 71 –> 8, 80 –> 8 … Infinite Series
  • 9, 18 –> 9, 27 –> 9, 36 –> 9, 45 –> 9, 54 –> 9, 63 –> 9, 72 –> 9, 91 –> 9, 90 –> 9 … Infinite Series

As shown above, the personality of each number is formed by an infinite series of pair-personalities plus the personality of the number itself, namely a Holon of three numbers. Thus, the personality of each number is formed by an infinite series of Holon personalities.

Based on this, God’s Signature is identified by a Logic Holon Personality of 9—9—9, which contains the entire infinite series of series of Logic Holon Personalities as shown above.

With God’s Signature, we can now state the condition at the beginning of the Universe as:

  • In the Beginning
  • There is the Holon
  • And the Holon is 9—9—9

In the Base 9 System.


  • Adding 10 to the Base 9 Numbers –> Base 10 Numbers
  • 999 in Base 9 + 10 –> 27 + 10 = 37 in Base 10
  • 999 = 27 –> The Logic of Being for all Base 9 Numbers
  • 999 + 10 = 37 –> The Logic of Matter for all Base 10 Numbers
  • 37 divided by 27 = 1.37037037… –> Fine Structure Constant –> Binding Being Logic with Matter Logic

The Fine Structure Constant was computed in an earlier posting with a different method. In addition, the Logic Big Bang Holon is

  • Involution Logic –> Base 9 Logic System
  • Evolution Logic –> Base 10 Logic System
  • Phi, Sacred Geometry –> Base 9/10 –> Gnomonic Expansion-Contraction

Next, with God’s Signature, we can now derive your signature inside God’s Signature.


YOU, encoded in a Computer Program (for each Incarnation) on the Vacuum Computer

  • Spirit (in a Steady Logic State inside the Logic-Information Vacuum) —> Pre-Encoded, contains 1 to 9 Logic Potential that define you
  • Soul (Every Changing Information State inside the Information-Energy Vacuum) —> Encoded All Past-Future Incarnated brain-soul / brain-spirit interactions that define you by a set of information-Energy paths
  • Body-Brain (Co-Created at each incarnation, Next incarnation is formulated before brain death of the present incarnation) —> Encoded are the driver programs and their executed subroutines of each different Body Brain state at each incarnations due to the evolved sets of left-right brain knowledge at each incarnations

The following is a mandala formula of YOU at the state of NOW with GOD.


The Involution Logic of 1 to 9 is summarized below:

  • 9 —> Inspiration, Connection with God, The Mirror: Image of God. Revelation, Ascension, Completing the Co-Creation of the Third Holon of 7—8—9
  • 8 —> Intellectual Love, Working to Perfect Humanity. Emancipation, Resurrection
  • 7 —> Wisdom from Soul-Spirit Perceptions, Psychic Connection. A Complete Human —> Sageness Within, Kingliness Without, and Godliness in Self
  • 6 (6+) —> Wisdom from Learned Knowledge, Humanity Connection. 6+: Perfect Human—> Sageness Within and Kingliness Without, Completing Co-Creation of the Second Holon of 4—5—6
  • 5 (6-) —> Intuition, Connection with Nature. Stability, Redemption —> Turning Point, Beginning of The RISE toward 6- to become a Human or Continue The FALL to Destruction. [This is the NOW State in You, for most of You, as shown in the middle of the about diagram. A few of You have evolved past 6- and are entering into stage 6. And even a very smaller few of You have evolved past 6 and are entering into stage 6+. These Stages 6 and 6+ Individuals have the duties to help humanity get out of the destructive state they are now in. I mean HUMANITY, not the poor. Notice, these evolved states have nothing to do with learned knowledge, or intellects, or being financially well off. These states are defined by Your free will and intentions.]
  • 4 —> Instinct, Connection to Collective Consciousness. Co-creation, Mind defined as Brain-Soul and Brain-Spirit non-local/local interactions
  • 3 —> Creativity, Karmic Connection. Completion in Body-Brain Connections to the Wholeness of Spirit—Soul—Mind, God’s Creation Completed with the first Holon of 1—2—3
  • 2 —> Intellect, Logic Universe Connection. Soul Execution & Forming the Information Body
  • 1 —> Teleportation, Connection with the Logic Vacuum. Logic Body

See postings: Numbers 1 to 5 and Numbers 6 to 9 for details.

Notice, 6-, 6, and 6+ can also be viewed as Holons within Holons in the evolution of becoming Humans.

  • 6(-): Survival of the Fitness —> The Holon of the Lower three Chakra, Ck-1—Ck-2—Ck-3 (Animal Instinct)
  • 6, Ck-4 —> The Love Holon: Animal Love—Emotional Love—Intellectual Love (Transitional State from Animal Instinct to Perfect Human)
  • 6(+): Ck-5—Ck-6—Ck-7 <——>Holon of Learned Knowledge—Sageness Within—Kingliness Without (A Perfect Human, Needs Godliness in Self for A Complete Human)




(1) The 10—22—27 formula (See Posting: On Positive Living, Destiny, & Superstition)

  • 10 states in Birth (8 Birth Date States, Time Zone, Intention/Free Will): Free Will —> an Open Loop State depending entirely on You (Can perhaps be predicted with Post-Natal Methods)
  • 22 Celestial Stems—Terrestrial Branches —> State of the Universe (The Chinese Calendar Model with all positive-negative days, See posting: What is Quantum—Metaphysics)
  • 27 = 22 + 5 Elements, 5 Element —> Resonances between the 5 Elements of the Universe and the 5 Elements of Birth Date

(2) Numerology: Resonance between Birth Date and Name

  • Observer: Your Name —> You, as defined by your name in Numbers
  • Observed: Your Birth-Date —> The breaking of the Logic-Information Universes at the Now-instant of your birth, with the logic-information potential (in Numbers) of You added to Universe’s logic-set
  • Reference Frame: Mappings between Letters onto Numbers

Your non-local logic dis-connect — connect with the Universe at the instant of Now at birth defines your spiritual maturity

Post-Natal: Psychological Testings


  • The Mirror—Character —> Development of a Higher Chakra
  • The Symptoms—Remedies —> Development of Lower Chakra Health
  • Virtue Living —> Sageness Within—Kingliness Without—Godliness in Self.

This posting completes this Website and the descriptions on the initial formulations of a Matter-Being Paradigm.


With the above understanding of God and His Involution Logic, formulated in the Logic Holon of Bible—-Quantum—-I-Ching as integrated in the Matter-Being Paradigm, we can now formulate the structure of a church based on the Holon Paradigm. This church, renamed as a Holon of God—-Humanistic—Organization, is formulated below.
