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Bibliography A-F


I started Postings in 2009. From then to now, there is all total 196 Postings. 185 of these are  published. The last 11 not yet published. These 11 Postings offers a Holon Logic of Inputs—Executions—Outputs for the WebHealth Computer. Through these years, this Mind-Being Paradigm (offering a Theory of Everything to Human Knowledge) is finally completed. This completed version, 28 Postings, starts from the end of these Bibliographies and begins with the Posting @ NOW MATRIX-AETHER.



  • Akchurin, I.A. “The Theory of Elementary Particles and Information Theory,” Philosophical Problems of Elementary Particle Physics, edited by Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1968
  • Alexander, S., Space, Time, and Deity, Dover Publication, 1966
  • Alexandersson, Olof, Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy, Turnstone Press Limited, Northamptonshire, 1982
  • Arbib, M.A., “A Common Framework for Automata Theory and Control Theory,” SIAM J. Contr., #3, 1965
  • Arbib, M.A., “Automata Theory and Control Theory: A Rapprochement,” Automatica, #3, 1966
  • Arbib, M.A, Brains, Machines, and Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 1964
  • Arbib, M.A., The Algebraic Theory of Machines, Languages and Semigroups, Academic Press, 1968
  • Arbib, M.A., Theories of Abstract Automata, Prentice-Hall, 1968.
  • Asby, W.R., An Introduction to Cybernetics, John Wiley and Sons, 1961.
  • Atkin, R.H., “Cohomology of Observations,” Quantum Theory and Beyond, edited by T. Bastin, Cambridge University Press, 1971
  • Atkins, P.W., The Creation, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1981.
  • Attneave, F., Application of Information Theory to Psychology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959
  • Avery, Kevin Quinn, The Numbers of Life: The Hidden Power in Numerology, Dolphin Books, Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1977
  • Ayer, A.J., The Problem of Knowledge, Penguin Books, 1957
  • Backster, C., “Evidence of a Primary Perception in Plant Life, “ International Journal of Parapsychology, 1968
  • Badgley, Laurence E., “A New Method for Identifying Therapeutically Effective Homeopathic Remedies and Acupuncture Points,” American Journal of Acupuncture, Vol. 13, No. 1, January-March, 1985
  • Bailey, Alice, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume I: Esoteric Psychology, Lucis Publishing Co., New York, 1953
  • Bailey, Alice, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume IV: Esoteric Healing, Lucis Publishing Co., New York, 1953
  • Banwell, C.N., Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, McGraw-Hill, 1983
  • Barnard, G.P. & Stephenson, James H., “Microdose Paradox: A New Biophysical Concept,” Monograph on Homeopathic Research, compiled by Dana Ulman, 1981
  • Barnett, L., The Universe and Dr. Einstein, Mentor Book, 1950
  • Barrow, John D. and Tipler, Frank J., The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986
  • Bastin, T., “How does a Particle get from A to B?”, Quantum Theory and Beyond, edited by T. Bastin, Cambridge University Press, 1971
  • Beasley, Victor R., Your Electro-Vibratory Body: A Study of the Life Force as Electro-Vibratory Phenomena, University of the Trees Press, Boulder Creek, Ca., 1978
  • Bearden, Tom E., Star Wars Now! The Bohm-Aharonov Effect, Scalar Interferometry, and Soviet Weaponization, Tesla Book Co., 1984
  • Becker, Robert O. and Selden, Gary, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow, 1985
  • Bedini, John C., Bedini’s Free Energy Generator, Tesla Book Co., 1984
  • Behanan, Kovoor T., Yoga: A Scientific Evaluation, Dover Publication, Inc., 1937
  • Berestetsky, V.B., “Certain Features in the Recent Development of Elementary Particle Theory,” Philosophical Problems of Elementary Particle Physics, edited by Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1968.
  • Bergson, H., Creative Evolution, The Random House Inc., 1944.
  • Bergson, H., Matter and Memory, London: Allen and Unwin, 1911.
  • Biokinesiology Institute, Muscle Testing, Biokinesiology Institute, 1982
  • Bodde, Derek, “Harmony and Conflict in Chinese Philosophy, “ Studies in Chinese Thought, edited by Arthur F. Wright, University of Chicago Press, 1953
  • Bohm, D., Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1957
  • Bohm, D., Fragmentation and Wholeness, The Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation, 1976
  • Bohm, D. and Hiley, B., “On the Intuitive Understanding of Non-Locality as Implied by Quantum Theory,” Space-Time and Beyond, E.P. Dutton & Co., 1975
  • Bohm, D. & others, Quanta & Reality, American Research Council, 1962
  • Bohr, N., “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?”, Physical Review, 48, 1935
  • Bohr, Niels, Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, Wiley, 1962
  • Boslough, John, Stephen Hawking’s Universe, William Morrow & Company, 1985
  • Bott, Victor, Anthroposophical Medicine: Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing, Thorsons Publishers, Inc., New York
  • Bradley, D.F., “Multi-level Systems and Biology – View of a Submolecular Biologist,” Systems Theory and Biology, edited by M.D. Mesarovic, Springer-Verlag, 1968
  • Brahma, Nalini Kanta, Causality and Science, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, 1939
  • Briggs, John P. and Peat, David F., Looking Glass Universe: The Emerging Science of Wholeness, Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York, 1984
  • Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, II. iii, 6, as translated in Swami Nikhilananda, The Upanishads, Harper & Row, 1964
  • Brillouin, L., “Life, Thermodynamics, and Cybernetics,” American Scientist, 37
  • Brillouin, L., “Thermodynamics and Information Theory,” American Scientist, 38
  • Brillouin, L., Science and Information Theory, Academic Press
  • Brillouin, L., Scientific Uncertainty and Information.
  • Broad, C.D., The Mind and Its Place in Nature, Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1960
  • Brown, Barbara B., Stress and the Art of Biofeedback, Bantam Books, 1977
  • Brown, Bryson, “Should Quantum Physics go Unquestioned?”, Physics Today, April, 1989
  • Brown, G.S., Laws of Form, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969
  • Brown-Brant, K., “Regulation and Control in the Endocrine Systems,” Regulations and Control in Living Systems edited by H. Kalmus, John Wiley & Son, 1966
  • Bruner, J., “The Conditions of Creativity,” in Consciousness: Brain, States of Awareness and Mysticism, editors D. Goleman and R.J. Davison, Harper & Row, 1970
  • Bruteau, Beatrice, Evolution Toward Divinity: Teilhard de Chardin and the Hindu Traditions, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1979
  • Buckley, W., Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist: A Source Book, Aldine Publishing Co., 1968
  • Buckley, W., Sociology and Modern Systems Theory, Prentice-Hall, 1967
  • Buess, Lynn, Numerology for the New Age, De Vorss & Co., 1978
  • Bunge, Mario, Intuition and Science, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962
  • Butler, Christopher, Number Symbolism, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970C


  • Campbell, Norman, What is Science?, Dover Publication, Inc., 1953
  • Carr, H. W., Leibniz, Dover Publications, Inc., 1960
  • Capra, Fritjof, “Quark Physics without Quarks: A Review of Recent Developments in S-Matrix Theory,” American Journal of Physics, 47(1), January, 1979
  • Capra, Fritjof, The Tao of Physics, Shambhala, 1975
  • Chan, Wing Tsit, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, Princeton University Press, 1963
  • Chance, B., Estabrook, R.W., and Williamson, J.R., Control of Energy Metabolism, Academic Press, 1965
  • Chapman, B.L.M., “The Teaching of Cybernetics,” Progress in Bio-cybernetics, vol. 2, edited by N. Wiener and J.P. Schade, Elsevier Publishing, 1965
  • Charon, Jean, The Unknown Spirit, Conventure Ltd., 1983
  • Chaudhuri, H. The Philosophy of Integralism, 1954
  • Chen, Li Fu, “Philosophy of Life,” translated from the Chinese by R. Pound, Philosophical Library, 1948
  • Chen, W.Y., “Medicine and Public Health in China Today,” the proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, June 1961
  • Chu, W.K., The Astrology of I Ching, translated from the “Ho Map Lo Map Rational Number”, edited and commentaries added by W.A. Sherrill, Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1976
  • Churchman, C.W. and Ackoff, R.L., “Purposive Behavior and Cybernetics,” Social Forces, 29
  • Clifford, A.H. and Preston, G.B., “The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups,” vol. 1, Mathematical Surveys, #7, America Mathematical Soc., 1961
  • Coca, Arthur F., The Pulse Test: Easy Allergy Detection, Arco Publishing, Inc., New York, 1985
  • Coleman, J.A., Relativity for the Layman, Mentor Book, 1958
  • Collingwood, R.G., The Idea of Nature, Oxford University, 1967
  • Cook, Theodore Andrea, The Curves of Life, Dover, 1979
  • Cornforth, M., The Theory of Knowledge, International Publishers, Revised Edition, 1971
  • Cornforth, M., Materialism and Dialectical Method, International Publishers, Revised Edition, 1971
  • Cornforth, M., Science versus Idealism, Lawrence & Wishart, Ltd., London, 1951
  • Coulter, Harris L., Homeopathic Science and Modern Medicine: The Physics of Healing with Microdoses, North Atlantic Books, 1980
  • Cousens, Gabriel, Vibrational Medicine, Richard Gerber, Bear & Co., New Mexico, 1988
  • Cousto, Hans, The Cosmic Octave, Life Rhythm Publication, 1987
  • Croizier, R.C., Traditional Medicine in Modern China, Harvard University Press, 1968
  • Crombie, A.C., “The Significance of Medieval Discussions of a Scientific Method for the Scientific Revolution”, Critical Problems in the History of Science, edited by M. Clagett


  • d’Abro, A., The Rise of the New Physics, Dover Publications, 1951
  • d’Abro, A., The Evolution of Scientific Thought, Dover Publications, 1950
  • de Broglie, L., La Thermodynamique de la Particle Isolee, Gauthier-Villars, 1964.
  • de Broglie, L., New Perspectives in Physics, Basic Books, 1962
  • de Broglie, L.,”Nouvelle Presentation de la Thermodynamique de la Particle Isolee,” Academie des Sciences, Paris, 1962
  • de Broglie, L., Physics and Microphysics: Expositions on Physics and the History and Philosophy of Science, Harper Torchbooks, 1960
  • de Broglie, L., “Quelques Consequences de la Thermodynamique de la Particle Isolee,” Academie des Sciences, Paris, 1963
  • de Broglie, L., Revolution in Physics: A Non-Mathematical Survey of Quanta, Routledge, 1953
  • de Broglie, L., “Sur l’Introduction de l’Energie Libre dans la Thermodynamique Cachee des Particules,” Academie des Sciences, Paris, 1963
  • de Broglie, L., “Sur la Relation d’Incertitude δn δφ ≥ 2p,” Academie des Sciences, Paris, 1965
  • de Broglie, L., “Sur la Theorie Non Lineaire des Transitions Quantiques,” Academie des Sciences, Paris, 1962
  • de Broglie, L., The Current Interpretation of Wave Mechanics: A Critical Study, Elsevier, 1964
  • Dasgupta, Surendranath, Indian Idealism, Cambridge University Press, 1962
  • Dasgupta, S.N., “The Limitations of Science and the Inevitableness of Philosophy and Religion,” Radhakrishman: Comparative Studies in Philosophy in Honour of his Sixtieth Birthday, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1951
  • Datta, D.M., The Six Ways of Knowing: A Critical Study of the Vendanta Theory of Knowledge, University of Calcutta, 1960
  • Davies, P.C.W., The Accidental Universe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982
  • Davies, P.C.W. and Brown, J., (Editors), Superstrings: A Theory of Everything?, Cambridge University Press, 1988
  • Davies, Paul W., Superforce: The Search for a Grand Unified Theory of Nature, Simon & Schuster, N.Y., 1984
  • Davis, Albert Roy and Rawls, Jr., Walter C., Magnetism and Its Effects on the Living System, Exposition Press, Smithtown, N.Y., 1974
  • Davis, Joel, Endorphins
  • Defares, J.G., Hara, H.H. and Billinghurst, E.M., “The Stability of the Respiratory Servomechanism: An Analog Computer Study,” Progress in Bio-cybernetics, vol. 1, edited by N. Wiener and J.P. Schade, Elsevier Publishing, 1964
  • Denbigh, K.G., The Thermodynamics of the Steady State, Methuen, London, 1951
  • Deutsch, Eliot, Advaita Vedanta: A Philosophical Reconstruction, 1969
  • Diamond, John, Life Energy, Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1985
  • Dimmick, Walter F., The Conquest of Gravitation, Self Published, 1987
  • Dimmick, Walter F., The Electromagnetic System, and other papers, Self Published, 1965-1976
  • Dimond, E.G., “Acupuncture Anesthesia: Western Medicine and Chinese Traditional Medicine,” JAMA, Vol. 218, #10, December 6, 1971
  • Dimond, E.G., “Medical Education and Care in People’s Republic of China,” Journal America Medical Association, vol. 218, #10, December 6, 1971
  • Dirac, P.A.M., Directions in Physics, John Wiley & Sons, 1978
  • Doczi, Gyorgy, The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art & Architecture, Shambhala, 1981
  • Driesch, Hans, The Problem of Individuality, Macmillan, 1914
  • Drischel, H., “On the Dynamics of Cybernetic Systems of the Body,” Progress in Bio-cybernetics, vol. 3, edited by N. Wiener and J.P. Schade, Elsevier Publishing, 1966
  • Dubos, Rene, Man, Medicine, and Environment, Mentor Book, 1968
  • Dubos, Rene, Mirage of Health: Utopias, Progress, and Biological Change, Anchor Books, 1959
  • Dubos, Rene, The Dreams of Reason: Science and Utopias, Columbia University Press, 1961
  • Dubos, Rene, The Torch of Life: Continuity in Living Experience, Pocket Books, Inc., 1963


  • Eddington, A., Space, Time and Gravitation, Harper Torchbooks, 1959
  • Eddington, A., The Philosophy of Physical Science, Ann Arbor Paperbacks, University of Michigan Press, 1974
  • Eddington, Arthur, “The Domain of Physical Science,” Essay in Science, Religion and Reality
  • Eddington, Arthur, The Nature of the Physical World, The Macmillan Co., 1929
  • Einstein, A., Podolsky, B., and Rosen, N., “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?,” Physical Review, 47, 1935
  • Eisberg, Robert Martin, Fundamentals of Modern Physics, John Wiley & Son, Inc., 1961
  • Eisenberg, David, Encounters with Qi: Exploring Chinese Medicine, Penguin Books, 1987
  • Eitel, Ernest J., Feng-Shui: The Science of Sacred Landscape in Old China, Synergetic Press, London, 1873 and 1984
  • Emmet, D., Space, Time and Deity, Volume I, 1966
  • Engels, F., Anti-Duhring, International Publisher, 1970
  • Engels, F., Ludwig Feuerback, International Publisher, 1970
  • Emery, F.E., (Editor), Systems Thinking: Selected Readings, Penguin Books, 1969


  • Farrington, Benjamin, Greek Science, Part I, Penguin Books, 1944
  • Fermi, E., Thermodynamics, Dover Publication, Inc., 1956
  • Fletcher, Ella Adelia, The Law of the Rhythmic Breath, Newcastle Publishing Co., Inc., California, 1979
  • Forest, Waves, “AIDS, Cancer Cured by Hyper-Oxygenation,” Now What, issue one, Monterey
  • Forke, A. (Translator), The World-Conception of the Chinese
  • Forrest, W.W. and Walker, D.J., “Change in Entropy During Bacterial Metabolism,” Nature, 201
  • Foss, Laurence and Rothenberg, Kenneth, The Second Medical Revolution: From Biomedicine to Informedicine, Shambhala, 1987
  • Frank, Phillip, Philosophy of Science, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1957
  • Freedman, David, “Beyond Einstein,” Discover, February 1989
  • Frohlich, H., “Further Evidence for Coherent Excitations in Biological Systems,” Physics Letters, 19 August 1985
  • Fung, Yu Lan, A History of Chinese Philosophy, translated by D. Bodde, 2 vols. Princeton University Press, 1952-53
  • Fung, Yu Lan, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, translated by D. Bodde, Macmillan Co., 1948, Free Press, 1966
  • Fung, Yu Lan, A Spirit of Chinese Philosophy, translated from the Chinese by E.R. Hughes, Kegan Pau, Trench, Trubner & co., 1947, Beacon Press, 1967